

沪江英语 沪江英语 2023-11-12



梅根,即Model 3 Generative Android,是一个由工程师杰玛作为个人项目开发的的金发少女机器人,她被设计成小孩子们最好的玩伴以及令家长们最放心的朋友。
为了机体性能得到进一步完善,梅根需要与一个小女孩作为主人来 "配对",她需要与一个真正的人类同步,学习主人的语言模式、行为特征和情感需求,这样她们之间才能更加亲近,而梅根也能更加完善全面。

And Gemma doesn’t have anyone to fill that post – until her nine-year-old niece Cady (Violet McGraw) is orphaned after a car crash and comes to live with Gemma, who must furthermore honour her late parents’ wish that she is homeschooled. This poor little girl, utterly devastated by her mom and dad’s death and without any friends her own age in a new city, is an obvious candidate to be M3gan’s new pal.但杰玛身边没有人可以胜任这个要求,直到她9岁的侄女卡迪在一场车祸后成为孤儿,并来到她家,她还必须履行卡迪已故父母的愿望,让她在家里接受教育。这个可怜的小女孩被父母的死彻底摧毁了,在一个新的城市里没有任何同龄的朋友,显然是M3gan的新伙伴的候选人。

Their friendship utterly transforms Cady, who is miraculously cured of grief, while M3gan’s humanoid mannerisms astonish and excite David, who demands that his entire corporation get ready to mass-produce this incredible toy at $10,000 a pop. But then … with a terrible inevitability … 她们的友谊彻底改变了卡迪,她的悲伤被奇迹般地治愈了,而梅根与人类几乎一样的行为举止也让大卫感到惊讶和兴奋,他要求他的整个公司准备以10000美元一个的价格大规模生产这个不可思议的玩具。

M3gan becomes wilful and reluctant to obey orders, just like any kid entering teen years, or like any humanoid robot in any sci-fi film ever. M3gan is very protective of Cady. So that nasty neighbour’s dog that makes a nuisance of itself? That mean boy that bullies Cady? They have got real problems coming their way.但后来......在一种可怕的不可避免的情况下......梅根变得很任性,不愿意服从命令,就像任何进入青春期的孩子,或者像任何科幻电影中的人形机器人一样。梅根非常喜欢保护卡迪。那么,那个讨厌的邻居家的狗会不会对自己造成困扰?那个欺负卡迪的小男孩?他们就遇上大麻烦了。

In these fleeting images, “M3GAN” passes into the question of what it would be like to be M3gan—whether an A.I. robot can be considered to have a sense of identity and an inner life, and, if so, what that experience would be.在这些转瞬即逝的画面中,梅根带我们进入了这样一个问题:成为梅根的话会是什么样子?一个人工智能机器人是否可以被认为有一种身份感和内在生活,如果可以的话,那这种体验会是什么?


电锯惊魂 (2004)

Saw IMDB:7.6  豆瓣:8.8推荐指数:★★★★★

Saw is the film that started it all for James Wan. This was originally a short film which was later picked up for a wider distribution as a high budget film, and it finally became one of the most successful horror franchises of recent times. The Saw franchise now consists of many sequels, but none have been able to live up to Wan’s original which presented a compelling story alongside a gory and terrifying horror sequences.《电锯惊魂》是温子仁的开山之作。这原本计划只是一部短片,但后来作为一部高预算电影发行,并成为近代最成功的恐怖片系列之一。《电锯惊魂》系列现在由许多续集组成,但没有一部能够达到温子仁的原作水平,该片在呈现血腥和恐怖的恐怖情节的同时,还呈现了一个引人注目的故事。
2速度与激情7(2015)Furious 7 IMDB:7.1  豆瓣:8.4推荐指数:★★★★★

James Wan proved that his success as a director could be strong in multiple genres when he took on Furious 7, the seventh  installment in the Fast and Furious franchise. This was the first addition to the franchise after the death of Paul Walker, and Wan did a good job of addressing his death while also keeping the tone of the franchise alive, being silly and action packed while also including a genuinely moving tribute.当温子仁接手《速度与激情》系列的第七部时,证明了他作为一个导演可以游刃有余地处理各种类型的电影。这是保罗·沃克去世后的第一部作品,温子仁很好地弥补了因主演离世而产生的一些问题,同时也保持了该系列电影的基调,看上去有点笨笨的,同时也不乏动作戏,还有一个感人至深的致敬。

招魂  (2013)

The Conjuring

IMDB:7.5  豆瓣:8.0推荐指数:★★★★☆

James Wan found new success in 2013 when he released The Conjuring. It starred Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson as paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, telling the real life haunting story of the Perron family. The jump scares are genuinely frightening, and the love story of Ed and Lorraine as a backdrop makes the story genuinely moving.2013年,温子仁在发布《招魂》时取得了新的成功。影片由薇拉·法米加和帕特里克·威尔逊饰演超自然调查员埃德和洛林·沃伦,讲述了佩伦家族的真实闹鬼故事。这部影片跳脱的惊吓场面可以说是真正的恐怖,而埃德和洛林的爱情故事作,也让整个故事增添了一份感人的色彩。

海王  (2018)

IMDB:6.8  豆瓣:7.6推荐指数:★★★☆☆

James Wan’s directing skills experienced new heights when he directed the mega-blockbuster Aquaman in 2019, becoming a part of the DC universe. Jason Momoa starred as the lead role, with Amber Heard starring as well. Aquaman brought the hero to life in a fun and fast-paced way, and was extremely successful at the box office, becoming a hit for the DCEU franchise overall. 温子仁的导演技巧在2019年执导超级大片《海王》时到达了新的高度,成为DC宇宙中的一员。杰森·莫玛担任主角·安柏·赫德也出演。《海王》以有趣和快节奏的方式将英雄带入生活,并在票房上取得了极大的成功,成为DC宇宙系列电影的热门。
5潜伏  (2010)InsidiousIMDB:6.8  豆瓣:7.8推荐指数:★★★★☆

In 2010, James Wan released the original Insidious which blended different horror genres as well as family drama story. The film starred Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne and Ty Simpkins and centers around Dalton (Simpkins) being haunted rather than the house itself. Insidious is quite unlike any other horror film, and the directorial choices from Wan make for some truly chilling and unforgettable scenes.2010年,温子仁发布了第一部《潜伏》,该片融合了不同的恐怖类型以及家庭剧故事。由帕特里克·威尔逊、罗斯·伯恩和泰·辛普金斯主演,围绕被鬼缠身的道尔顿(辛普金斯饰演)展开。《潜伏》与其他恐怖片截然不同,温子仁选择造就了一些真正令人胆寒和难忘的场景。


orphan  /ˈɔːf(ə)n /  n.孤儿    v.使成为孤儿   adj.孤儿的,无双亲的devastate  /ˈdevəsteɪt/   v.毁坏,破坏;使极度震惊,使伤心欲绝inevitability   /ɪnˌevɪtəˈbɪləti/  n.必然性;不可逃避nuisance  /ˈnjuːsns/  n.麻烦事,讨厌的人(或事物、情况);损害,妨害;骚扰行为,妨害行为insidious /ɪnˈsɪdiəs/  adj.<正式>潜伏的,隐袭的;阴险的,狡猾的  【名】 (Insidious)《潜伏》(电影名)


英文部分摘自theguardian:M3gan review – girlbot horror offers entertaining spin on teenage growing pains / newyorker:“M3GAN,” Reviewed: A Clever, Hollow A.I. Spin on “Frankenstein” / movieweb:Best James Wan Movies, Ranked






